“...We have a lot of interesting radiomaterial. I think also intersting for the Craiova radioclub, 2 meter portofoons, 70 cm transmitter/receivers etc...”



The story of T-813 transceiver

TNX to Cor Moerman - PA0VYL! *

    Last year,  Dr. Eng. Mihai Tarata - YO7LHN worked as a research-worker at the University from Leuven (Belgium). There, evidently, he met the Radioamateurs from the local radioclubs and among others' things he found out that in Holland  there is a museum of the amateurism from this country, a museum that enjoys a well-deserved reputation.
    Evidently, on the first occasion he travelled to Holland to visit it. The impression was overwhelming. There  he could  admire  exhibits  (all functional)  from the beginning of the radio transmissions up to the linea of the actual latest transceivers.
    On this occasion he met Cor-PA0VYL, the initiator and sustainer of this museum (that is on his propriety) so they became friends. During their discussion about Romanian radioamateurism YO7LHN told Cor about the organisation of the County Radioclub Dolj - YO7KAJ, about the achievements and future hopes of the members of this Club to realise vocal and digital retranslators, devices for RGA (fox hunting) in 144 MHz-band as well as a link-radio between the Radioclub an the INTERNET-OLTENIA provider (the sponsor who lets them have the WEB-page and E-mail address on the Internet), etc..
    Cor - PA0VYL was interested in the number of  the radioclub-members and he made a surprising offer:
    - "If I donate 25  transceivers type Teletron T-813 that you can modify in order to work in 144 MHz. will this help you realise your goals?" asked the kind OM Cor.  This conversation was followed by an intense exchange of E-mails between Mihai-YO7LHN and the Radioclub from Craiova, that completed all the necessary documents.
    There we have to mention the solicitude of Mr. Prof. Eugeniu Stefanescu, president of the Sportiv Municipal Club-Craiova who immediately accepted the idea and supported all our efforts.
There been other visits and discussion between Mihai and Cor and the offer became 35 transceivers, this fact determining the completion of another forms with the new number. Finally, the transceiver arrived from Holland through a charity society and was picked-up from Hunedoara - County by YO7CKP-Marian and by Marcel YO7ARY who offered his car for transport.
    The first 7 transceivers have been modified (absolutely free of charge)  by YO7EA - Sabin and YO7LHN - Mihai, according to the documentation prepared  on the Dutch-documentation, to function in single-channel and they have been distributed to the radioamateurs in Craiova. A new lot of 5 transceivers is now in work under the same conditions.
    A team made up of YO7LJJ-Augustin, YO7LMU-Samir, YO7EA-Sabin and YO7LMU-Mihai, is experimenting the modification of these transceivers to function with programs on EPROM-memories on more channels.
    Cor's offer increased, on Mihai's behalf, and it seems that we are going to receive others 45 transceivers so that we can offer to each member of our radioclub, as a loan, such a transceiver.
    We thank a lot Mihai for his effort to help our activity as radioamateurs and we would like to offer to generous HAM Cor Moerman the quality of  "Honorary Member"  of the County Dolj-Radioclub YO7KAJ.
    Mni tks dr Om Cor for your kind offer and all the effort!
    We also thank Peter de Kroon who assured the equipment transport to Romania.
        Vy 73 to you es all PA-hams!

                                    Trincu Marian-YO7CKP

 *Article appeared in the "RADIOCOMUNICATII SI RADIOAMATORISM" publication  11/1999

WS 19 Museum
YO7LHN in visit at "Jean Corver" Museum

TNX  to Cor Moerman-PA0VYL! *

         Relatarea ce urmeaza descrie modul  cum s-a dotat Radioclubul Judetean Dolj cu un numar de 35 transceivere Mobilofon  T-813  ca  donatie  din partea "Museum van het Nederlands  Radio- Zendamateuriusme"  din Olanda.
   Iata faptele:
          In cursul anului trecut Dr. ing. Mihai Tarata -YO7LHN  a lucrat ca cercetator stiintific la Universitatea din Leuven (Belgia). Acolo, evident, a facut cunostiinta  cu radioamatorii si Radio-Clubul  din localitate si printre altele a aflat ca in Olanda exista un muzeu al radioamatorismului din aceasta tara, muzeu ce se bucura de o reputatie binemeritata.
          Desigur, la prima ocazie a efectuat o calatorie in Olanda pentru a-l vizita. Impresia a fost magnifica. Se puteau admira exponate (toate functionale) de la inceputurile transmisiunile radio pana la linia de transceivere actuale.
          Cu aceasta ocazie l-a cunoscut pe Cor-PA0VYL, initiatorul si sustinatorul acestui muzeu (care se afla pe proprietatea lui) cu care, evident,  s-a  imprietenit.  Purtand discutii  si despre radiamatorismul din Romania, YO7LHN  pledand cu pasiune  pentru radioamatorismul romanesc, i-a povestit lui Cor cum este organizat Radioclubul Judetean-Dolj YO7KAJ, despre realizarile si sperantele de viitor ale membrilor radioclubului de a realiza retranslatoare vocale si digitale, aparatura pentru RGA in 144MHz., precum si un link-radio intre radioclub si  provider-ul INTERNET-OLTENIA care ne sponsorizeaza gazduind-ne pagina WEB si  adresa E-MAIL  ale Radioclubului nostru YO7KAJ, precum si despre alte planuri de viitor.
In cursul acestor discutii Cor-PA0VYL s-a interesat de numarul de membri ai Radioclubului craiovean dupa care a facut o surprinzatoare oferta:
         - "Daca va donez 25 bucati transceivere TELETRON T-813  pe care sa le modificati   pentru a lucra in banda de 144 MHz. va ajuta sa realizati ce v-ati propus?" a intrebat amabilul OM Cor.
          A urmat un intens schimb de E-mail-uri intre Mihai YO7LHN si Radioclubul din Craiova care a intocmit toate documentele necesare. Aici trebuie sa mentionam solicitudinea Clubului Sportiv Municipal-Craiova care prin persoana presedintelui  prof. Eugeniu Stefanescu a acceptat imediat ideea si ne-a sustinut in aceasta actiune.
         Au urmat alte vizite si demersuri ale lui Mihai la Cor, oferta a crescut la 35 bucati, lucru ce a determinat intocmirea altor forme cu mentionarea noii cantitati. In final aparatura a sosit prin intermediul unei societati de binefacere din Olanda si a fost ridicata din judetul Hunedoara de catre YO7CKP -Marian cu transportul oferit prompt  de YO7ARY-Marcel.
          Primele 7 bucati din aceste transceivere au fost modificate (in mod absolut gratuit) de catre YO7EA-Sabin si YO7LHN - Mihai conform documentatiei pregatita de acesta dupa documentatia olandeza pentru a functiona in monocanal si au fost deja distribuite radio-amatorilor craioveni. Un nou lot de 5 bucati este acum in lucru in aceleasi conditii.
         Un colectiv compus din YO7LJJ-Augustin, YO7LMU-Samir, YO7EA-Sabin si YO7LHN - Mihai  experimenteaza modificarea acestor transceivere pentru a functiona cu programare pe memorii EPROM pe mai multe canale. Oferta lui Cor nu s-a oprit insa aici; tot la demersul lui Mihai, se pare ca vom mai primi un numar de 45 bucati astfel ca sa putem oferi fiecarui membru al radioclubului nostru cate un transceiver (evident, sub titlu de imprumut).
          Pentru aportul deosebit adus radioamatorismului din judetul nostru dorim sa-i multumim lui Mihai YO7LHN si sa-i acordam lui  Cor Moerman-PA0VYL calitatea de "Membru  de Onoare" al Radioclubului Judetean Dolj-YO7KAJ, odata cu multumirile noastre.
      MNI  TKS dr OM COR for your kind offer and all the effort !
Multumim de asemenea lui Peter de Kroon care a asigurat transportul acestor echipamente in Romania.
      Vy 73 to you es all PA-HAMS !
Trincu Marian-YO7CKP

        *Articol aparut in revista "RADIOCOMUNICATII SI RADIOAMATORISM"  nr. 11/1999